Durum wheat

Durum wheat

The durum wheat ontology (DURUM_WHEAT) is dedicated to the sustainability analysis of the durum wheat chain. DURUM_WHEAT is divided into three parts:

  • The tab Ontology (Ontology -> DURUM_WHEAT) gives an overview of data structuration in order to help with global understanding
  • The tab Documents (Documents-> Durum wheat quality) gives access to a database collecting the information structured by the ontology. Original documents and associated annotated tables (Fair and marketable durum wheat criteria, refaction, bonification, ...) are available through this tab.
  • The tab Query (Query-> Define Scope -> DURUM_WHEAT) allows to find durum wheat quality criteria criteria used in different countries (Europe, USA, Canada, Maghreb, etc.).

 Current data available on this ontology concern durum wheat quality criteria criteria used in different countries (Moisture content rate, chemical content, etc.).

Data are structured around:

  • Symbolic concepts including studied objects and qualitative data: durum wheat varieties, regions, criteria, etc.
  • Quantity concepts including quantitative data: criteria value bounds, price variations, etc.
  • Relation concepts describing relationships between studied objects, qualitative and quantitative data: refaction , bonification, irreprochable durum wheat relations, etc.

 A relation concept is characterized by its label and its arguments; it can have several inputs but only one output. All inputs and outputs are related either to symbolic or quantity concepts.


For instance, the irreprochable durum wheat relation describes the criteria which must fulfill durum wheat to be marketable by collecting data on variety, criterion, grade, nature of the requirement  (inputs) and variety bound (output).

An overview of this set of relation concepts is available on @Web (Ontology -> DURUM_WHEAT-> Explore).

Information about each concept is individually accessible through Ontology -> DURUM_WHEAT-> View.