
Milk microfiltration

The Milk Microfiltration ontology (MICROFILTRATION) is dedicated to milk microfiltration process optimization and product quality enhancement.

MICROFILTRATION is divided into three parts:

  • The tab Ontology (Ontology -> MICROFILTRATION) gives an overview of data structuration in order to help with global understanding
  • The tab Documents (Documents-> MF-XXX) gives access to a database collecting the information then structured by the ontology. Original papers and associated annotated tables (List of samples, Microfiltration process description, Sample characterization and Microfiltration controlled parameters evolution) are available through this tab.
  • The tab Query (Query-> Define Scope -> MICROFILTRATION) allows to find process experiments and samples matching specific research criteria (Treatment duration, Treatment temperature, sample fat content, etc.).

 Data available on this ontology concern sample composition and characterization and experimental processes descriptions.

Data are structured around:

  • Symbolic concepts including studied objects and qualitative data: product type and state, membrane configuration, membrane system, treatments, etc.
  • Quantity concepts including quantitative data: process parameters (number of tubes, rotation speed, ...), sample measured characteristics (viscosity, turbidity, ...), etc.
  • Relation concepts describing relationships between studied objects, qualitative and quantitative data: physico-chemical pretreatment relations (heat treatments, microfiltation unit operation,...), sample characterization relations, etc.

 A relation concept is characterized by its label and its arguments; it can have several inputs but only one output. All inputs and outputs are related either to symbolic or quantity concepts.

. An excerpt of the n-ary relation Relation among dynamics of controlled microfiltration parameters to model operation of the microfiltration unit

For instance, an excerpt of the modelling of milk microfiltration shows an n-ary relation Relation among dynamics of controlled microfiltration parameters, which models operation of the microfiltration unit and connects an input product − milk that has undergone a series of pre-treatments (e.g. skimming, heating, removal of bacteria) − to operating parameters associated with microfiltration, such as the permeation flux (Jp)

The set of relation concepts aims to model unit operations involved in milk microfiltration processes and sample characterizations.

An overview of this set of relation concepts is available on @Web (Ontology -> MICROFILTRATION-> Explore).

Information about each concept is individually accessible through Ontology -> MICROFILTRATION-> View.