D2KAB ANR project

D2KAB ANR project (2019-2022)

D2KAB ANR project creates a framework to turn agronomy and biodiversity data into knowledge –semantically described, interoperable, actionable, open– and investigate scientific methods and tools to exploit this knowledge for applications in science & agriculture

IATE already develops an ontology for food material processing and food packaging characteristics (Matter Transfer Ontology –TRANSMAT in AgroPortal). It drives concrete solutions for farmers, packaging solution suppliers and packed food suppliers such as an application to automatically select the most appropriate food package for a given food considering multiple variables (food respiration, temperature, material to use, etc.) [doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2014.12.010, doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2015.02.012]. This decision support system has been created during the FP7 EcoBioCap project, led by IATE, and is currently extended with aggregation preference tools to take into account consumer’s expectations during H2020 NOAW project (2016-2020) also led by IATE [doi.org/10.4018/IJAEIS.2018070104]. The knowledge brought by the ontology reduces the economic cost and time to determine the best packaging solution for a given food to pack. Scenario T4.1 will consolidate these preliminary results by focusing on the scientific challenges brought by annotated data quality management. IATE develops new methods and tools to manage constraints to automatically analyze the quality of annotated data. After inconsistency detection, curation will be done manually or semi-automatically on the @Web platform. T4.1 provides a use-case to WP3 (especially T3.3) for consistency constraint checking based on STTL/LDScript.

Modification date: 18 July 2023 | Publication date: 27 May 2020 | By: PB